Skin Body Health utilizes the power of high frequency to cauterise unwanted skin tissue.  This High frequency treatment is most useful for removing raised moles or other solid lesions such as skin tags, thick keratoses, cherry angioma's, warts and milia.  This technology has been used safely and successfully for many years.

A focused high frequency is emitted through fine wire technology, allowing the unwanted cells to be gently cauterised.

Following the procedure, the treated area forms a scab which peels off after a week or so, leaving a pink patch.  The pink patch, similarly to any other scab, takes around a month or two to regain normal skin color.

The big advantage of using high frequency technology is the precision of the process.  The treatment works to target only the desired area, leaving the surrounded healthy skin untouched.

The treatment is virtually painless and the skin is left free from scarring.

There is usually no regrowth of moles.  On the rare occasion there is regrowth, a simple follow up procedure can fix this, however, it is rarely required.

Following the high frequency mole removal treatment of pigmented moles, there is a small chance there will be a pigmented color in the treatment area.  If this is the case, we can apply further laser treatment to ensure an aesthetically pleasing look.

Before any treatment, it is vital to obtain an assessment by an experienced clinician.  This will rule out the need to treat surgically any suspicious or cancerous moles.  High Frequency treatment would not be used to remove any mole or lesion which is at all suspicious.

Mole, Skin Tag, Wart, Milia & Pimple Removal
from A$70.00


Skin Body Health is one of the most well respected, reputable laser clinics in Sydney. This hard-won reputation is the result of years in the laser industry, perfecting our skills, and ensuring we always use the very latest technology and the most experienced technicians.

Our laser clinic offers the best, most permanent solutions to common skin and body problems, using the very latest international technology.

All our treatments are carried out by a fully-qualified laser technician with over 10 years experience. 

Skin Body Health believes high standard treatments should be accessible to everyone. For this reason, our clinic offers the best prices in Australia, without sacrificing quality.


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