Term & Conditions | Skin Body Health

For any photo-rejuvenation or laser treatments please avoid sun exposure to your chosen area/s for at least 4 weeks prior to treatments and ensure the skin is as light as possible, including no fake tan.Pigmentation removal, capillaries/spider vein treatment, Rosacea treatment, Acne treatment, Scarring, Anti Aging collagen Rejuvenation. Possible side effects of the area treated can include mild redness of the skin, mild irritation, local swelling, temporary small pimple like bumps, mild discomfort or tenderness, dry skin, hypo pigmentation (lightening of the skin) or hyper pigmentation (darkening of the skin), blistering and a very small risk of scarring.

Please arrive 5 minutes early to sign consent forms and note that if you are late your treatment may have to be cut short or cancelled.

Undergoing any treatments performed by Skin Body Health Laser Clinic assumes you understand the treatment may involve risks of complications or injury from both known or unknown causes, and you freely assume these risks.

Skin Body Health Laser Clinics will not knowingly treat anyone who is pregnant, or who have hormonal imbalances, keloid scarring, uncontrolled diabetes or anyone who is on any medication that may effect the outcome of the treatment unless we are presented with a Doctor's certificate. It is your responsibility to inform your clinician if any of these conditions develop during the time you are receiving treatments. Prior to initiation of treatment any raised pigmented lesions should be correctly identified by a doctor to be benign and recommended for light based treatment.

You have the right to refuse treatment.

Due to the nature of this treatment, an exact result cannot be predicted and no guarantees have been made as to the results that may be obtained. No promises of permanence are made regarding laser assisted hair removal or skin care treatments.

You must adhere to all safety precautions and regulations advised to you during laser treatments and including post skin care recommendations. Sun exposure (both prior to and after treatment) and not adhering to post care instructions provided may increase chances of complications.

If the client is a minor under the age of 18, the consent of a parent/guardian having legal custody will also be required before tre